Mid-Day Report
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Energy 1, 2, 3
This section will be a large undertaking and I will build over time. I have a lot of digital information to sort through and organize. There will eventually be several sections. I decided to create this web section dedicated to accurate information on the various sources of energy. There is so much misinformation, confusion and…

Selection List
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Millennium Index
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Newsletter Archive
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Chart Of The Day
PlayStocks Chart of the Day is a post updated regularly with new charts and commentary.

Bonds & Interest Rates
History of US 10 Year Interest Rate 10 Year Japanese Gov’t Bond Yield BOND PRICES AND YIELDS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYXAzTwZr30FINANCIAL CRISIS VIDEO Bonds, Int. Rates The Case to Avoid Bonds and Bond Funds You should only have to look at the two charts above. For Canadians, our Bonds pretty much follow U.S. However we are going to…

Coin Collecting
My favorite American coin to collect is the Morgan Silver dollar minted from 1878 to 1904, and then again in 1921 The coin is 90% silver and 10% copper and named for its designer, United States Mint Assistant Engraver George T. Morgan. The obverse depicts a profile portrait representing Liberty, while the reverse depicts an eagle…